How to get Magento Category IDs without accessing the database
If you use the great Magento ecommerce platform and if you have several hundreds of products, then you must have tried to import them using the Magento Dataflow.
The Magento Dataflow is an interface available in the administration panel of the Magento framework that allows you to bulk import products, customers and stock data. It is actually pretty well done and very efficient but it requires a little bit of a learning curve.

One of the frustrations and limitations of the dataflow is the fact that in order to properly assign categories to products you need to know the categories ID that are in the database. So many shop owners had to access the magento database table where the category IDs are stored in order to get them and use them in their csv or xml product import file. If you have a few hundred categories this can be very frustrating.
What would serve the magento users better is the ability to assign categories through the dataflow by category name instead of IDs.
Well Magento has partially heard the complains of its users and has finally addressed this issue at least partially by adding the category ID in front of the category name in the admin panel. This will now eliminate the need to connect directly to the magento database and get the category IDs right from the admin panel.
This is surely a very useful improvement that many shop owner have welcomed.
Magento Category ID
Magento Category ID from the Admin Panel

If you use the great Magento ecommerce platform and if you have several hundreds of products, then you must have tried to import them using the Magento Dataflow.
The Magento Dataflow is an interface available in the administration panel of the Magento framework that allows you to bulk import products, customers and stock data. It is actually pretty well done and very efficient but it requires a little bit of a learning curve.

One of the frustrations and limitations of the dataflow is the fact that in order to properly assign categories to products you need to know the categories ID that are in the database. So many shop owners had to access the magento database table where the category IDs are stored in order to get them and use them in their csv or xml product import file. If you have a few hundred categories this can be very frustrating.
What would serve the magento users better is the ability to assign categories through the dataflow by category name instead of IDs.
Well Magento has partially heard the complains of its users and has finally addressed this issue at least partially by adding the category ID in front of the category name in the admin panel. This will now eliminate the need to connect directly to the magento database and get the category IDs right from the admin panel.
This is surely a very useful improvement that many shop owner have welcomed.
Magento Category ID
Magento Category ID from the Admin Panel


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